
From the 22nd - 28th February 2021, I will be the artist featuring on @undertowprojects in the form of an ‘artist-takeover’. Undertow Projects is an online platform created by (a fellow MA student) to provide an external platform for the current MA Fine Art, UCA Farnham students. As Covid 19 sinks us into a 3rd lockdown, it has become apparent that we as artists would benefit by a greater engagement with the online community. Unable to host live events and being unsure of the future has created a need for artists to become more innovative in the way they share their work with the viewer. Moving into new forms of externalisation could alter the way the Art World functions and introduce opportunities that focus on the artist rather than the large Institution. Undertow Projects is an artist led platform. It launched on instagram on the 26th January, beginning with the artist Noelle Genevier as ‘artist-takeover’ on the 1st February. There is a line up of artists that extends to the 6th June 2021, and includes the MA Fine Art Interim Show, Beyond the Boundaries between the 1st-21st March. Please follow and participate in all forms of exciting artist developments shared and posted on @undertowprojects.

Undertow Projects artist takeover lineup.jpeg



eXHIBITION: MA Fine Art Farnham Interim Show Online